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Piragis Bookstore in Ely, Minnesota

Visit our local bookstore in Ely, Minnesota. It's located upstairs at Piragis Northwoods Company. 105 North Central Avenue 218-365-6745 

Ely, Minnesota has a vibrant and well-stocked bookstore. Truth be told, sometimes visitors pass through Ely and miss this fact. They wish that they had known about the hidden gem of bestsellers, historical fiction, hard to find local authors and just about any title that’s in the buzz or on people’s radar. Jordyn Stocks is our Bookstore Manager and both the variety and ease of shopping are her responsibility and a result of her talent. Her fingers are on the pulse of what pages are turning and it shows.



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Visit our local independent bookstore in Ely, Minnesota. It's located upstairs at Piragis Northwoods Company. Many of our books can be found in our catalog and here on our website, but in the store, we carry a broader range of titles. We have a little of everything—local authors, children’s books, trail guides, science fiction and fantasy, cookbooks, poetry, mystery, and more. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, we’re always happy to special order.

Best of all, we love books, and we love matching people up with good ones. Our motto is “Where good books find you!” and that’s the truth. If you don’t know by now, we put our customers first and helping you find the right title, the perfect author to keep you in suspense on a canoe trip, the right gift for a friend or young reader, even a notebook or calendar to begin a new season with… these are the things we help with daily. Pull up a comfortable chair, we’ve got a few just waiting for you. Camp out on a bench and use our free WiFi. Get your picture taken with a giant stuffed moose. Discover the mystery and beauty of the Boundary Waters in fiction and pictorial review. Make new friends, even some we hope you’ll take home with you.

We’re an independent bookstore because we make our own decisions about what to stock and when. Our customers have been providing those suggestions and placing special orders for decades and that special relationship shows. Piragis Northwoods Company Bookstore, a polished gem in Ely, that it turns out, isn’t so hidden after all. Get your book on! Come visit us at 105 North Central Avenue, upstairs. Or shop online here at the Boundary Waters Catalog.